Afghan National Defense University Phase II, Qargha, Afghanistan


Educational & Training Campus

Project Title:

Afghan National Defense University Phase II, Qargha, Afghanistan

Project Location:


Start Date:


End Date:




Tender Price:

This project consists of providing facilities for continuing officer and senior noncommissioned officer professional education courses for the Afghan National Army (ANA). This project is Phase II of the overall effort to provide for the completion of the Afghan National Defense University (ANDU) site at Qargha, Afghanistan.
- Afghan National Defense University
Design and construction of facilities for the Afghan National Defense University Phase II at Qargha, Afghanistan.  Joint Services Academy
- Legal Branch School
- Religious and Cultural Affairs School
The required facilities are designing and constructing Life Support Area (LSA), buildings, roads, utilities, tie-in for approximately 4,000 personnel to include; barracks with shower/latrine/ablution and storage facilities, classroom buildings, a campus multi-purpose building with HQ offices, electrical distribution systems and tie-in to existing power plant, sanitary sewer collection system tie-in to existing lines, tie-in to existing water lines and distribution system; and tie into sand expand the road network inside the compound.