Camp Bastion Runway Project,Camp Bastion Air Base, Afghanistan

The project is composed of a parallel taxiway extension (an extension to the existing runway 01-19), three new connecting taxiways, a new runway 01-19, a strategic ramp and a rotary wing parking apron.
The parallel taxiway extension is a 1350m (900m Base Bid Length+450m Optional Bid Length) addition to the existing runway in north-south direction. In this case, the existing runway is planned to be used as parallel taxiway and connected to the new runway. The new taxiway extension is 28m wide and has 15m paved shoulders. It matches the geometry and construction of the existing runway in all aspects.
The existing runway shoulder are only 3m wide but is extended to 15 m wide in accordance with the RFP.
Three connecting taxiways are the facilities which are aiming to connect the new parallel taxiway to new runway. These are 23m wide and have 15m paved shoulders.
The new runway is 3500m long runway. It is 46m wide and has 15m paved shoulder and 15m wide unpaved shoulder. It is located on north south direction and parallel to taxiway extension. The direction of the new runway is 01-19 that is the same as the existing runway.
The strategic ramp has approximately 66.500SM plan area and accommodates two C-5 or AN-124 aircraft and 4 C-130 aircraft. It is located west of existing runway and connected to existing runway and parallel taxiway extension with two access taxiways. There is 15 meter wide paved shoulder on the perimeter of the apron and the access taxiways.
The rotary wing parking apron has approximately 70.000SM plan area and accommodates 15 CH47/CH53 aircraft. It is located east of new runway and connected to new runway with two access taxiways. Also there is a connection road which is located at the center of east edge of the apron. It provides a connection to circulation road that is a part of this project. There are 7.5 wide paved shoulders on the perimeter of the apron and the access taxiways.
In addition, there area circulation road and access roads in order to provide access to the facilities for new and future planned aprons. The circulation road is passing through the perimeter of the camp on the south of the airbase and then runs parallel to the new runway and provide access to the aprons connecting to the new runway. There is a new fence line installed at the south, east and north side of the facilities for security requirement.
The parallel taxiway extension is a 1350m (900m Base Bid Length+450m Optional Bid Length) addition to the existing runway in north-south direction. In this case, the existing runway is planned to be used as parallel taxiway and connected to the new runway. The new taxiway extension is 28m wide and has 15m paved shoulders. It matches the geometry and construction of the existing runway in all aspects.
The existing runway shoulder are only 3m wide but is extended to 15 m wide in accordance with the RFP.
Three connecting taxiways are the facilities which are aiming to connect the new parallel taxiway to new runway. These are 23m wide and have 15m paved shoulders.
The new runway is 3500m long runway. It is 46m wide and has 15m paved shoulder and 15m wide unpaved shoulder. It is located on north south direction and parallel to taxiway extension. The direction of the new runway is 01-19 that is the same as the existing runway.
The strategic ramp has approximately 66.500SM plan area and accommodates two C-5 or AN-124 aircraft and 4 C-130 aircraft. It is located west of existing runway and connected to existing runway and parallel taxiway extension with two access taxiways. There is 15 meter wide paved shoulder on the perimeter of the apron and the access taxiways.
The rotary wing parking apron has approximately 70.000SM plan area and accommodates 15 CH47/CH53 aircraft. It is located east of new runway and connected to new runway with two access taxiways. Also there is a connection road which is located at the center of east edge of the apron. It provides a connection to circulation road that is a part of this project. There are 7.5 wide paved shoulders on the perimeter of the apron and the access taxiways.
In addition, there area circulation road and access roads in order to provide access to the facilities for new and future planned aprons. The circulation road is passing through the perimeter of the camp on the south of the airbase and then runs parallel to the new runway and provide access to the aprons connecting to the new runway. There is a new fence line installed at the south, east and north side of the facilities for security requirement.