KAIA AirWing Phase V,Kabul International Airport, Afghanistan
The project consists of the design, site adaptation and construction of new permanent facilities at Kabul International Airport (KAIA) for the Afghan National Army (ANA) Air Wing Phase V in Kabul District, Kabul Province, Afghanistan.
The project is defined as the design, site adaptation, material, labor, and equipment to construct buildings, parking, paving, ECP, utility tie in and other infrastructure for a design population as shown for specific facilities listed in this section. Work also includes demolition and renovation of existing features/facilities. This includes the estimated populations of future developments within the compound that will tie into and make use of its utility systems.
The project is defined as the design, site adaptation, material, labor, and equipment to construct buildings, parking, paving, ECP, utility tie in and other infrastructure for a design population as shown for specific facilities listed in this section. Work also includes demolition and renovation of existing features/facilities. This includes the estimated populations of future developments within the compound that will tie into and make use of its utility systems.